Manage Trash
Delete the document mistakenly? No worries. The Trash tab can help you restore the document at once. Deleting the document permanently is also achievable. The sidebar of Trash lists all of the items you’ve deleted along with other relevant details, just like it is when viewing the Document’s screen.
How to Manage Deleted Items
1. Go to your CocoSign dashboard and click Trash in the left navigation panel.
2. On the top-right of your Trash screen, look for the Action tab. Click More to select a category of the action you want to accomplish from a drop-down.
3. Click Restore to restore a document back to its respective folder.
4. Select Delete if you want to delete a document permanently from your CocoSign account.
5. Click Yes to confirm your action.
Note: Whether you restore or delete a document, the action only applies to your account and other recipients of the document won’t be affected.