How Do I Customize Branding
Note: To unlock this feature, you need to upgrade your account to the business plan or above.
Email branding enables users to personalize each document that they send to their business partners or employees. Use the Customize Branding feature on CocoSign to make all your shared documents contain your company’s branding and desired links. For more information, view our Customize Branding feature page.
This guide is divided into three parts:
Access CocoSign’s Branding Feature
To add your company’s logo or design other details on your signature request email, you can:
- Add email branding when sending a document
- Customize branding in your CocoSign account
Add Email Branding When Sending a Document
When navigated to Review & Sign, the last step of sending a document for signature, click Personalized branding in the More Setting option.
Then you can add or edit your email branding in the General or Advanced tab. If you don’t need to make any changes, click the exit button at the upper right corner and go back to the Review and Send page.
Customize Branding in Your CocoSign Account
You can also design your branding in the account settings. On the left-side menu of your dashboard, click Account - Branding.
General Setting
Under the General tab, you can customize your branding in three parts:
Add a Custom Logo
You can upload an image of your company’s or brand logo. It is recommended that you add an image 200 pixels wide, with a maximum height of 55 pixels, and within 500 KB.
Change Theme Colors
You can edit theme colors of your signing page or signature request email. You can change the color of both the header and the button, as well as the text and background.
Email “From” Fields
By adding text in the field, you can get your company’s name displayed on the title of your recipients’ signature request email.
You can preview what the signing page and the signature request email page look like from your recipients’ side and make changes as needed.
Note: If you want to cancel your branding and return to the default setting, click Reset to Default at the upper-right corner of Preview.
Advanced Branding
In the Advanced part, you can design more details in your signature request email and build closer connections with your own website and brand.
Redirect After Signing
This feature allows you to navigate your signers to your own website after signing instead of a default CocoSign page. You can redirect signers to any website you intend to have them visit.
Customize Your URL
You can customize the URL of your signature document by adding a prefix before Your URL will be displayed on your recipients’ web browser during the signing process.
Customize Email Template
In this part, you can add as many as three email footer headers with texts in your email template, or hide them as you wish. The footers can serve as a notice for signers or a brief introduction to your own brand.
You can also edit the footer menu links and the bottom bar to show terms of service, privacy policies, copyright notice, etc. After you confirm all email template details in Preview, don’t forget to click the Save button.
Note: You can click Reset to Default at the upper-right corner of Preview to withdraw all changes.
Are you ready to customize your own email branding? Get started with your CocoSign account now!